http://www.egm.gov.tr/daire.yabancilar.asp Official Webpage of General Directorate of Police Force Turkey http://www.argeyozgat.com Official Webpage of Yozgat Provincial Directorate of National Education http://www.multeci.org.tr Turkey Association of Refugees http://www.hyd.org.tr Helsinki Association of Citizens http://www.bgf.org.tr Federation of Balkan Turks Immigrants and Refugees Assocations http://tr.mhdkibris.org Association of Refugees Rights http://www.unhcr.org.tr United Nations High Commissionership of Refugees - TR Eurostat http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/statistics_explained/ index.php/Migration_and_migrant_population_statistics
Eurostat, until recently only disseminating in English, has decided that properly serving European citizens includes addressing them in their own language as much as limited resources allow. To put this into practice, 20 important and representative articles of 'Statistics Explained' (the 'Wikipedia' of European statistics) will be made available in all EU languages. The set includes an article analysing recent data on migration flows and migration populations in the EU Member States which also contains a link to the Bridge-it project. It is already available in these 18 languages (click in left column to switch languages, like in Wikipedia): Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish and Swedish; the missing ones will soon follow.
Yozgat conference contributors – Poland
Fundacja na Rzecz Różnorodności Społecznej www.ffrs.org.pl
Polskie Forum Migracyjne www.forummigracyjne.org
Centrum Pomocy Prawnej Im. Haliny Nieć www.pomocprawna.org
Polska Akcja Humanitarna www.pah.org.pl
Interkulturalni PL www.interkulturalni.pl |
http://www.cittadinanzattiva.it/index.php Cittadinanzattiva onlus è un movimento di partecipazione civica che opera in Italia e in Europa per la promozione e la tutela dei diritti dei cittadini e dei consumatori. http://www.comune.perugia.it/ Official webpage of the Municipality of Perugia OTHER EUROPEAN PROJECTS: www.e-spices.net
Grundtvig Learning Partnership e-SPICES electronic Social Promotion of Intercultural Communication Expertise and Skills www.trainingspices.net SPICES Training Course Social Promotion of Intercultural Communication Expertise and Skills www.interno.it Official Webpage of the Ministry of Interior www.immigrazioneinumbria.it Regional institutional Website dedicated to immigration www.stranieriinitalia.it Website dedicated to the theme of immigration in Italy http://questure.poliziadistato.it Official Website of state police and Italian police headquarters http://www.immigrazioneoggi.it/ Information portal in nine languages on immigration, asylum and citizenship http://www.cir-onlus.org Official Website of Italian Council for refugees www.training2000.it TRAINING 2000 is a Vocational Training Organization, which operates mainly in the Marche Region in activities of Adult Education and Training (LLL and continuous education) , consulting and promotion of Innovative Technologies within enterprises. Since 1991, Training 2000 organizes Vocational training courses in the areas of ICT , Tourism, basic and specialized English language, Process Automation ( Cad-Cam ), specific training for : 1 ) development of social skills and competences, 2) better employment for women re-entering the work force 3) business start-up. |