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Workshop Programme Course 2013

“All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.”

(Article One of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, drafted in 1948 at the foundation of the United Nations)

Last Update 27 Sep 2022




Be Relevant to Intercultural Diversity Generation in Europe - Integration Team 


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Communication between Adults-in-Mobility ('migrants') and Civil Servants:

an Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Perspective

Grundtvig In-service training course Reference number: IT-2012-788-002

Perugia, Italia - 14-20 April 2013

A new and innovative GRU In-Service course available now!

Adults, who for diverse reasons move to another country have to deal with institutions and bureaucracy, which unavoidably becomes an important scenario of the daily communication exchange. Within this setting ‘adults-in-mobility’ (AMs, e.g. migrants) and ‘adults-in-contact-with-mobility’ (ACMs, e.g. public officers) are the fundamental players. On one hand, lack of understanding and empathy between the two of them often lead to serious misunderstanding that could jeopardise the present and future of adults-in-mobility. On the other hand, stressful work situations are created for adults-in-contact-with-mobility.

Who should participate in the BRIDGE-IT course

Our courses address civil servants and professional trainers, educators and teachers, who are specialised in education for migrants. Specifically the In-Service courses aim to develop awareness and competencies in terms of knowledge, skills and attitude in the field of interpersonal communication in bureaucratic-institutional settings.


 14-20 April 2013 -  Perugia, Italy


 13 September 2012

Courses flyer

Fill the Registration Form and send it by e-mail to icctraining

 Koffi Dossou


+39 075 974998

  1. Acquire awareness of cultural diversity and its effect on communication practices
  2. Develop the ability to observe communicative interactions especially within the intercultural dimension
  3. Learn about  the four modes of interpersonal communication: verbal (words and discourses), paraverbal (voice), non-verbal (body), and visual (images, colours, shapes, symbols)
  4. Learn how to simplify the bureaucratic language of a form
  5. Understand intercultural implications in institutional written texts: the bureaucratic language and terminology with particular focus on ‘first-impact’ situations, that is, the first interactions of AMs ‘adults-in-mobility’ (e.g. migrants) and ACMs‚ adults-in-contact-with-mobility’ (e.g. public officers)
  6. Understand intercultural implications in public service encounters
  7. Experience and practise adequate communicative strategies for bureaucratic-institutional settings
  8. Learn to use and adapt the BRIDGE-IT VLCE (e-learning platform) resources and tools for learners’ needs in intercultural communication within bureaucratic institutions with particular focus on first-impact situations.

The BRIDGE-IT blended training

Acquire awareness of cultural diversity and its effect on communication practices....

The BRIDGE-IT course consists of a combination of on-line and face-to-face learning activities based on a collection of real-life communication materials from a range of bureaucratic-institutional contexts from different countries. In addition to practical exercises based on a ‘learning by doing’ approach focusing on the key aspect of experiencing specific intercultural situations, the course includes information sessions, short lectures and discussions and on-line interactive sessions. Great attention is given to the learning process itself and to the concept of “learning how to learn”. Therefore the course makes use of the Let Me Learn® Process (integrating the products and experience from another Grundtvig project) as a methodology that  allows trainers to respect participants’ different ways of learning enabling them to “take control of their learning processes and adapt them in order to meet learning expectations”.

The course underlines the importance of informal learning dedicating a half-day excursion  to observation and experimentation as well as giving space for interpersonal contacts during meals and free time and informal intercultural interaction.

The BRIDGE-IT methodology

The BRIDGE-IT methodology is based on the following pedagogical techniques:

- Learning according to specific communicative needs and settings

- Interactive training in small groups

- Cooperative learning

- Problem solving, simulations and role play, and critical incidents

- Self assessment exercises

- Autobiographical approaches.

A pre-course preparation is planned prior to the face-to-face course. All participants will be registered to the project’s platform (Virtual Learning and Communication Environment on Dokeos). There they will be able to familiarise themselves with the tools and resources of BRIDGE-IT as well as of its predecessor projects SPICES (   and e-SPICES ( Participants will be introduced to the methodology through direct contact with trainers and tutors. They will be provided with a range of exercises online,  which they will complete at their own pace A pre-departure programme including specific reading material, support documents and questionnaires will be sent to registered participants. There will also be a post-course evaluation activity  during which participants will complete assignments and further online modules through the online facilities  provided by BRIDGE-IT project. At the end participants will develop  a portfolio of reading, instructional materials and reflection on one’s  experience with regard to diversity in communication practices in intercultural contexts.


Following the registration for the course through the project website, all participants will be registered to the project’s platform (Virtual Learning and Communication Environment on Dokeos). There, they will be able to familiarise themselves with the tools and resources of BRIDGE-IT as well as from its predecessor projects SPICES ( and e-SPICES (; they will be introduced to the methodology also through direct contact with trainers and tutors.

Two weeks before the beginning of the residential phase of the training, participants will be provided with a range of exercises online (which they will complete at their own pace) and a pre-departure programme (specific suggested reading material, support documents, questionnaires) in order to build a portfolio of reading and reflection on one’s own experience with regard to diversity in communication practices.

The preparatory activities will include:

- collection of materials used in communicative situations and/or interactions with foreign people (e.g.: bureaucratic/official forms that foreigners have to fill in, audio/video recordings of such interactions and similar texts from real-life situations);

- administration of the Learning Connections Inventory, the first step in the Let Me Learn® process, to discover and strategise one’s learning.

Online facilities will also enable course participants and trainers to meet and develop a relationship before the residential phase begins.


Adults who for diverse reasons move to another country have to deal with institutions and bureaucracy, which unavoidably becomes an important scenario of the daily communication exchange. Within this setting ‘adults-in-mobility’ (e.g. migrants) and ‘adults-in-contact-with-mobility’ (e.g. public officers) are the fundamental players. On one hand, lack of understanding and empathy between the two of them often lead to serious misunderstanding that could jeopardise the present and future of adults-in-mobility and, on the other hand, create stressful work for adults-in-contact-with-mobility.

Our courses therefore address professional trainers, who are specialised in education for migrants and/or civil servants. Specifically the courses aim to develop awareness and competencies (in terms of knowledge, skills and attitude) in the field of interpersonal communication in bureaucratic-institutional settings and within an intercultural perspective.

The courses set out to help participants:

- acquire awareness of cultural diversity and its effect on communication practices

- develop the ability to observe communicative interactions generally and in its intercultural dimension

- learn about and focus on the four means used in the interpersonal communication process: verbal (words and discourses), paraverbal (voice), non-verbal (body), and visual (images, colours, shapes, symbols)

- understand intercultural implications in institutional written texts: the bureaucratic language and terminology with particular focus on ‘first-impact’ situations

- understand intercultural implications in public service encounters

- experience and practise adequate communicative strategies for bureaucratic-institutional settings

- learn to use and adapt the BRIDGE-IT VLCE (e-learning platform) resources and tools for learners’ needs in intercultural communication within bureaucratic institutions with particular focus on first-impact situations.


BRIDGE-IT blended training consists of a combination of on-line and face-to-face learning activities based on a collection of real-life communication materials from a range of bureaucratic-institutional contexts from different countries.

In addition to practical exercises focusing on the key aspect of experiencing specific intercultural situations (learning by doing), the course includes information sessions, short lectures and discussions. Great importance is given to the learning process itself and to the concept of “learning how to learn”. Therefore the course makes use of the Let Me Learn® Process (resulting from another Grundtvig project) as a methodology tool allowing trainers to respect participants’ different ways of learning and trainees to discover about and “take control of their learning processes and adapt them in order to meet learning expectations”.

The course underlines the importance of informal learning (through a half-day excursion dedicated to observation and experimentation) as well as giving space for interpersonal contacts during meals and free time) and non-formal learning.

BRIDGE-IT methodology makes use of:

- Learning according to specific communicative needs and settings

- Interactive training in small groups

- Cooperative learning

- Problem solving, simulations and role play, and critical incidents

- Self assessment exercises

- Autobiographical approaches.


A follow-up phase that includes post-course assignments and further online modules to be completed through the online instrument is scheduled within the course programme.

The BRIDGE-IT trainers and tutors will be available via the project platform and/or email.

A participants’ mailing-list will be set up for peer networking with the aim of setting up a community for exchange of good practices and for the development of new ideas in the field of intercultural communication for bureaucratic-institutional purposes between ACMs and AMs.

In addition to written evaluation during the course, participants will receive an invitation to an online evaluation tool, two weeks and six months after the course in order to elaborate on their learning triggered by their course experience.

According to EACEA (Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency) Grundtvig is open to any organisation working in the field of adult learning within the formal (schools, universities, adult education establishments) or the non-formal (associations, libraries, museums, parents’ organisations) sector or providing informal education.

GRU Individual Grants, covering (most) costs for travelling, accommodation and course fees, are available for trainers, educators, teachers a.s.o. working for Adult Education institutions and to be eligible you need to be employed (full time, part time, working on a contract, self-employed) by any of the institutions mentioned above. These have to be situated in one of the countries participating in the LLP 2007-2013, which you can find here

Use the following procedure:

1.   Identify the BRIDGE-IT GRU In-Service course in the COM-GRU Database:

2.   Go to your National Agency‘s website ( read the information available there and download the valid version of the application form (available at least 1 month prior to the next deadline).

3.   Read the guidance documents to be found on your National Agency’s website as well. Check eligibility criteria stated in the application form, and proceed to complete the application form.

4.   Submit your application form before the deadline and send a paper copy signed and stamped to your National Agency also before deadline (postal stamp).

After some weeks you will be notified by your National Agency whether your application was successful or you have to try again next time.

In case you need help in completing the GRU Individual Grant application form please contact,

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The Course Programme












This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.